Thursday 5 September 2013

Dadaism posters

I like how the type in these dadaism posters are all jumbled up and not neatly presented. The use of colours are appropriate because they go well with the poster and not making it flashy or standout.


This is my 10 point manifesto

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Vorticism reserch, what is vorticism

Vorticism was a short lived modernist movement in British art and poetry of the early 20th century.  It was partly inspired by Cubism. The movement was announced in 1914 in the first issue of BLAST, which contained its manifesto and the movement's rejection of landscape and nudes in favour of a geometric style tending towards abstraction. Here are a few vorticism images

My final a5 design

This is the final a5 design i have produced, i have implemented abit of vorticism imagery into my poster. I have kept it black and white due to the contrast of the back round and football.this blurs out the centre image to make it look whole. As football is my hobby i thoght why not implement it to my design due to the relation it has on the type, " design is very you .

Final design development

This is the development of my final design, the saying is "design is very you" means you 
Design what you personally like and not what others like. Its your taste and what you 
Design defines you as a person

Saturday 17 August 2013

Vorticism images

Vorticism imagery, manifesto designs

Vorticism reserch

Sample image

About me

I am currently a student at metropolitan college studying graphic design. I have completed the first year of the course and heading towards the second. I do free lance graphic design work, as i have facebook and instgram to advertise it. My Free time is an excuse to get fully involved in doing something that I consider to be a hobby or pastime. My Hobbies are useful because they give me the opportunity to expand my knowledge, improve skills, and to be focused, diligent, and switched on. I keep myself occupied by going swimming and attending the gym as much as I can to keep myself  physically and mentally fit. I also like socialising with my friends and family on a daily basis.